Education Days at Orange Island (10am - 3pm Today)
Tue Apr 28 17:39:18 2009
Virtual worlds (and especially Second Life) are being touted as choice platforms for innovative learning.
Following the 3D TLC Conference and the Libraries, Education and Museums Conference in Second Life, Orange Island is happy to announce Education Days (April 28-29), two days to share best practices and insights with pioneering academic establishments and independent educators. We’ll be exploring the practical uses of virtual worlds in education-related projects, beginning today at 10am PDT!
Blog di SL Lately I’ve been reading about educators making use of Second Life to support complex training in the real world. I heard about some fantastic work being done along these lines at the virtual campus of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), but boy was I in for a surprise when I went to investigate! I had the pleasure of meeting with Ernesto Riestra, the Head of the Division of Continuing and Distance Education at the Engineering School for the UNAM, and he was happy to give me a tour. UNAM is the largest university in Latin America, with the Engineering School alone having 11,000 students, and UNAM overall having roughly 300,000 students, ranging from high school to post graduate education. UNAM is currently working on building their campus in SL for their Engineering School Distance Education Programs and is also connecting with companies in the real world to help take engineering design and training to the next level. Developments began in November 2008 but a lot has happened in that short span of time…
DescrizioneIl corso WEB 2.0: ISTRUZIONI PER L’USO è un progetto nato per offrire informazioni pratiche ed operative sui nuovi strumenti messi a disposizione dalla rete. Abbiamo coinvolto diversi relatori ed esperti del settore per dare un’opportunità concreta di approfondimento a chiunque sia interessato: dai professionisti della comunicazione ai semplici curiosi, da chi è alle prime armi a chi è immerso già da tempo nella rete. Parleremo di strumenti, di pratiche d’utilizzo, di offerte pubbliche e di soluzioni proprietarie, il tutto con un approccio web.20: stimolando il dibattito e la collaborazione, e usando il web per condividere le informazioni.
Un ricercatore dell'Università dell'Aquila, Jodeg Janus in SL, ha messo a punto un sistema integrato per la piattaforma Secondlife ed il web.
Oggi al meeting di DIDAMATICA 2009 a Trento presenterà il suo lavoro. E' un sistema general purpose che crea in modo interattivo oggetti interattivi in SL e quindi applicabile anche ad oggetti virtuali che simulano e si comportano come circuiti elettronici guidati dall'interfaccia web. Lo studente ha in due monitor contemporaneamente SL ed il browser web. Pare sia ancora più flessibile di Sloodle.
Si potrebbero perfino interfacciare oggetti virtuali (scriptati ovviamente) che stanno in SL con la struemntazione del banco di lavoro del laboratorio a scuola. Sono curiosissima ed attendo che Jodeg (università dell'Aquila) torni da Trento per discutere del suo progetto.
Jeremy Kabumpo: Tom - can you summarize the major point(s) ? I'm looking at the transcript, too [15:08] Tom Tiros: ok a) there is the xml-rpc issues affecting the use of the current sloodle in opensim e.g. vendor [15:09] Tom Tiros: b) one option is to make changes in opensim core code [15:09] Tom Tiros: c) another is to review our use of xml-rpc in sloodle/sl [15:10] Tom Tiros: d) there is opening up the way to look at the alternatives offered by opensim even if it alters sl / opensim compatibility [15:11] Tom Tiros: separate from the xml-rpc issues folks were interested in real uses in opensim of sloodle [15:11] Tom Tiros: Have I summarised ok folks? [15:12] Ralf Haifisch: esp. the last point sounds very interesting - usage of opensim :-) thanks[15:12] Jeremy Kabumpo: Dumb question (tongue-in-cheek) WHY would someone want to use SLOODLE in Opensim?[15:13] Christopher Flow: I tried to set up a mission on SLoodle this week, but I couldn't put objects around the sim due to auto-return.[15:13] Ralf Haifisch: because opensim is much cheaper - and it is in your full controll[15:13] Christopher Flow: That's one reason: more flexibility.[15:13] Eleonora Porta: teenagers...I imagine[15:13] Ralf Haifisch: the other point is: opensim has other abilitys - wich SL does not have[15:14] Christopher Flow: Security: I usually have 20~25 students in world at a time - griefer look for nice pods of people like us.[15:14] Tom Tiros: a) - you can have a platform behind a firewall if you need it. - the teen grid/adult divide in sl can be a problem[15:14] Christopher Flow: Also, I can have allo f my students building at the same time with not owrries about perms.[15:14] Ralf Haifisch: think about a RL teacher[15:14] Ralf Haifisch: can carry the region on a laptop...[15:14] Ralf Haifisch: umts is fine to prepare all stuff..[15:15] Christopher Flow: And with OARS, now we can change the entire 'scene' to whatever we want very simply.[15:15] Ralf Haifisch: ninja physics for simulation[15:15] Christopher Flow: Finally, we can have braggin rights over the other uni's in Korea. LOL[15:15] Ralf Haifisch: better graphics in second hald, via meshes[15:15] Ralf Haifisch: hehe[15:16] Ralf Haifisch: second half (of this year) - sorry[15:16] Tom Tiros: Maybe the issue is why only secondlife? should sloodle be a flexible link between vle and various virtual worlds?[15:16] Tom Tiros: I like the bragging rights, lol[15:17] Ralf Haifisch: tom: this is waht actualy happens...[15:17] Christopher Flow: I think having Sloodle work in other worlds makes perfect sense.[15:17] Ralf Haifisch: people get opensim wrong, many times[15:17] Ralf Haifisch: opensim is N O T a Sl-copy[15:17] Ralf Haifisch: its a framework for developing virtual worlds...[15:17] Christopher Flow: Right, Ralf![15:17] Ralf Haifisch: tohers do that, like 3Di and realxtend[15:18] Ralf Haifisch: we are atm compatible to SL viewer - and MXP viewer [15:18] Ralf Haifisch: so, if sloodle is opensim-compatible - it is compatible to other stuff , as well[15:18] Tom Tiros: agreed - but there is a tension between compatibility between sl and opensim platforms[15:18] Ralf Haifisch: hehe.. nice wording
[15:19] Jeremy Kabumpo: 1) cost 2) flexibility 3) access control 4) age permissiveness 5) isolation 6) portability 7) first-ism
[15:19] Christopher Flow: We have a very proprietary admin at our science research uni that would never build in SL for fear of int. property issues. Opensim would be a solution to that.[15:19] Ralf Haifisch: but to me (not political) that is no big deal.. [15:19] Ralf Haifisch: but to me (not political) that is no big deal..[15:20] Ralf Haifisch: opensim is spreading quite nice...[15:20] Ralf Haifisch: i think the only alternative framework at th very moment would be the one from sun[15:20] Ralf Haifisch: but that is totaly different in nay means...[15:20] Tom Tiros: yes I have looked at that
[15:21] Jeremy Kabumpo: 8) IP protection 9) speedier adoption
[15:21] Ralf Haifisch: so, for sloodle opensim seems to be the right choice - personal opinion [15:21] Tom Tiros: typical techies - build you own, lol[15:21] Tom Tiros: ok - how do we take this forward?[15:22] Jeremy Kabumpo: ok thanks :-) we have an opensim server right here at San Jose State[15:22] Christopher Flow: Continue fixing and testing the tools - like the toolbar.[15:22] Tom Tiros: a) do we need to get tech guys together over the xml-rpc issues[15:22] Jeremy Kabumpo: you like toolbbar - for blogging, right Chris?[15:22] Christopher Flow: Start running classes or suggetsing possible uses in world for Sloodle on OpenSIm.[15:22] Christopher Flow: Yes.[15:22] Christopher Flow: Blogging is key for us now.[15:23] Christopher Flow: UNtil the Freemail + PEAR issue is fixed, it's own only hope.[15:23] Christopher Flow: Yes, to geting the tech guys together. [15:23] Christopher Flow: Yes, to geting the tech guys together.[15:23] Jeremy Kabumpo: so you prefer postcard entry instead of chat through toolbar?[15:24] Ralf Haifisch: i will email with norse and fire to learn more and put my fife cent/contancts into it. but my main reason for comming was: i want to write some community update in our magazine, wich should bring some interested people from the open source user[15:24] Christopher Flow: It's faster for us as we always add pics with the blogs.[15:24] Tom Tiros: which magazine?[15:24] Jeremy Kabumpo: my students too - graduates[15:24] Ralf Haifisch: - a platform independent 3D web maagzine[15:25] Tom Tiros: ok[15:25] Ralf Haifisch: formerly known as cybertechnews.. Jani..
[14:17] The region you have entered is running a different simulator version. Click this message for details .[14:17] Fire Centaur: if you wanted to do voice, I can transcribe if you like[14:17] Connecting to in-world Voice Chat...[14:17] Connected[14:17] Tom Tiros: we have the o.4 RC1 version working quite will on the reactiongrid and OSGrid[14:17] Tom Tiros: no hate voice - especially in the home environment - thanks[14:17] Fire Centaur: ok.. np[14:18] Fire Centaur: fantastic news tom[14:18] Second Life: You have left the group 'Big Robot on Campus'.[14:18] There is no suitable surface to sit on, try another spot.[14:18] No room to sit here, try another spot.[14:18] Tom Tiros: the main problem seems to be related to the xlmrpc procedures? -[14:19] Tom Tiros: what issues have folks uncovered using sloodle in opensim?[14:19] Fire Centaur: Who IS using OpenSim here...[14:20] AntonioGPS Zapatero: I enter OpenSIm occasionally[14:20] Cilian McCullough: Toying with it[14:20] Shaun Juno: Not just yet[14:20] Norse Writer: me[14:20] Mary Roussel: I haven't[14:20] AntonioGPS Zapatero: I love voice, though[14:21] AntonioGPS Zapatero: and last time OpenSim lacked voice yet[14:21] Bamjon Babii: And it still does not have voice, as far as I know..[14:21] Fire Centaur: anyone else?[14:21] Tom Tiros: broadly that is still true - though it is being worked on[14:22] Tom Tiros: Norse can you tell people about your experience teaching the building class on OSgrid?[14:24] Tom Tiros: ok - does anyone have a quesion about opensim and sloodle?[14:25] Norse Writer: sorry the text scrolled here.[14:25] Eleonora Porta: What's the difference using sloodle in opensim' I have an avatr and a SIm in Cyberlandia and[14:43] Bamjon Babii: Thanks[14:43] Norse Writer: thanks[14:43] Tom Tiros: sorry guys - lost comms[14:43] Fire Centaur: also here is a link to our roadmap discussion[14:43] Fire Centaur: please participate in that - folks like you can help guide the direction o sloodle:[14:43] Benjamin Keng: thanks Fire[14:44] Fire Centaur: here's a link to the SLOODLE Error codes which will also help you[14:44] Fire Centaur: I have a sticky note for all of these[14:44] SLOODLE WebIntercom: Already recording Tom Tiros[14:44] Mysa Randt: Ths fire[14:44] Mysa Randt: Tks*[14:44] Fire Centaur: and lastly my sloodle 101 classes are every tuesday at 1:30pst[14:44] Fire Centaur: ok tom![14:44] Fire Centaur: take it away![14:45] Tom Tiros: ok - guys we were talking about xmlrpc? are we still discussing this?[14:46] Ralf Haifisch: we did not get further... :-)[14:46] Tom Tiros: ok, I am trying to do it in a way that allows the Sloodle scripts to run here un-modified[2009/04/10 9:37] BlueWall Slade: same script for here<-->sl[2009/04/10 9:38] BlueWall Slade: so, to di that, I had to add a flag to llRequestSimulatorData[2009/04/10 9:38] BlueWall Slade: and what it does is request the xmlrpc port number[2009/04/10 9:39] BlueWall Slade: if the region admin has set the sim to reveal the port number to the script, it can send that information to teh backend[2009/04/10 9:40] BlueWall Slade: then, if the backend needs to contact the set, it has the means[2009/04/10 9:40] You: hmm[2009/04/10 9:40] BlueWall Slade: right now, you have to manually set that[2009/04/10 9:40] BlueWall Slade: it is broken[2009/04/10 9:40] BlueWall Slade: like here - you cou[14:46] Tom Tiros: whoops - this is part of what BlueWater had to say[14:47] Tom Tiros: i.e. he is trying to ge a modification to the llRequestSimulatorData[14:47] Fire Centaur: great tom, I hope you are putting all the goods in the wiki![14:48] Ralf Haifisch: i have seen some stuff going on in the opensim code, yes...[14:48] Fire Centaur: Hey Jeremy![14:48] Ralf Haifisch: i think melanie was working on xmlrpc refubrish[14:48] Fire Centaur: nice to see ya! [14:48] Jeremy Kabumpo: heya - sorry to be late[14:48] Tom Tiros: hi Jeremy[14:48] SLOODLE WebIntercom: Started recording Jeremy Kabumpo[14:48] Tom Tiros: np[14:49] Norse Writer: The discussion right now regaridng this is if this should be revealed at all in Opensim or if we could store that info on the moodle site. Revealing the xml port numer is not a trivial thing to do.....[14:50] Ralf Haifisch: i think i have not enough clue of waht sloodle does - but have pretty good opensim and realxtend knowledge...[14:50] Tom Tiros: and there are security concerns[14:50] Ralf Haifisch: Norse: could i meet you and dicuss sloodle in osgrid ? [14:51] Norse Writer: sure[14:51] Ralf Haifisch: ok... have my email in IM...[14:51] Ralf Haifisch: tom: wich security concerns ?[14:51] Fire Centaur: Norse, I have connection Details of how to connect to the reaction grid on the wiki and in the Sloodle 0.4 Release notes... do you have directions for connecting to OS grid?[14:52] Fire Centaur: if so please pass them too me so I can include it on the wiki
Secondo reportage psichiatrico dall'Abruzzo terremotato
Oggi alle 10.26 Secondo reportage psichiatrico dall'Abruzzo terremotato Negli scorsi giorni ho prima di tutto preso contatti con gli psichiatri e gli psicologi che gestiscono l'emergenza nei campi di accoglimento delle popolazione de L'Aquila, lavorando in condizioni veramente molto difficili, sia per mancanza di operatori in numero sufficiente per coprire adeguatamente tutti i turni e tutto il territorio (ovvero tutti i dintorni de L'Aquila: un territorio molto vasto ed all' 80 % montano), sia per la stessa situazione personale degli operatori, dato che anche molti di loro hanno perso la casa ... Come sapete, sono caduti sia il CIM, Centro di Igiene Mentale, di Colle Maggio, che gestiva i pazienti ambulatoriali sul territorio o in day hospital, sia l' SPDC, il Servizio Psichiatrico Diagnosi e Cura, che gestiva i casi acuti con posti letto all'interno dell'Ospedale, quello ora sbriciolato ... per cui si pongono diversi e gravi problemi di gestione dei pazienti già seguiti precedentemente, oltre che problemi di gestione dell'emergenza per tutta la popolazione raccolta nei vari campi.Anche se una buona metà della popolazione aquilana in realtà è già stata spostata in altre città e paesi, soprattutto sulla costa adriatica, cosa che ovviamente pone un problema di emergenza anche nei campi e negli alberghi di tutte queste zone di ricovero, oltre che un problema di dispersione dell'utenza psichiatrica dei suddetti precedenti servizi territoriali; per cui i pazienti si trovano ad aver perso oltre la casa anche i contatti con i medici, gli psicologi e gli infermieri che li seguivano attentamente da anni (e si tratta di pazienti che in massima parte ben poco sopportano le separazioni). Ho visitato i campi aquilani, trovandoli, devo dire in tutta sincerità, molto ben organizzati, ché la Protezione Civile ha fatto veramente e rapidamente un ottimo lavoro, così come del resto tutti i soccorritori e i vigli del fuoco in particolare (anche se parlando con loro si sente unanimemente dire che vista l'entità della scossa, a parte il centro storico e le case antiche, davvero non si aspettavano una tale distruzione ... dovuta essenzialmente al modo in cui si è costruito).
Ogni campo ha a disposizione tende e servizi, tra cui un buon servizio medico, spesso anche specialistico, nonchè un discreto servizio psicologico, gestito in modo capillare, con molte tende sparse per i vari campi, dall'associazione Psicologi per i Popoli, i cui volontari sono riconoscibili per la maglia verde con la scritta bianca "Psicologia" che indossano; a loro tutta la gente dei campi può rivolgersi anche autonomamente per un primo aiuto psicologico. L'associazione opera in piena sinergia con ciò che resta del servizio psichiatrico territoriale, fornendo ascolto e sostegno a ovviamente i casi più gravi richiedono l'intervento psichiatrico e purtroppo per il futuro si prevede che tali casi aumentino sempre più, a causa dell'intervenire delle cosiddetta SPT , Sindrome Post Traumatica, che in genere ha un picco a due/tre mesi dagli eventi catastrofici.Per questo ci si sta organizzando in massima sinergia per attivare, quanto prima, un'azione non solo di contenimento immediato, quanto di prevenzione attiva della SPT, che può comportare soprattutto attacchi di panico, blocchi della parola o di altre funzioni sensoriali o motorie, blocchi emotivi, blocchi operativi e ovviamente depressione o viceversa agitazione psicomotoria.Il Servizio di coordinamento centrale e provinciale dell'intevento psichiatrico e psicologico, si trova nel grande campo posto al "Globo", alle porta de L'Aquila venendo da Roma, ed opera sotto la responsabilità del Dr, Vittorio Sconci, ex dirigente del CIM; il questo campo il servizio ha a disposizione diverse tende, in cui si trovano sia alcuni degli operatori (altri si spostano continuamente da e verrso i vari campi della provincia) sia molti degli utenti precedentemente seguiti dal CIM e, dove possibile, anche le loro famiglie.
Visto che io ho una casa sull'Altipiano delle Rocche, per fortuna "apparentemente" quasi intatta, come tutta Rocca di Mezzo (ma sono già in corso le verifiche tecniche per stabilire se le molte crepe comunque presenti nelle case dell'Altipiano siano solo superficiali o come si teme, in molti casi, anche profonde), mi è stato affidato il compito di coprire il territorio montano che va da Ocre, e gli altri paesini pedemontani, fino all'Altipiano (1350 metri slm) e ad Ovindoli, attivando dove possibile anche la suddetta prevenzione.
Cosa che ho cominciato a fare, visitando tutti i campi dei vari paesini e quelli delle loro frazioni, prendendo contatto con chi li gestisce dal punto di vista sia operativo che sanitario e soprattutto cominciando, ovunque possibile, a prendere contatto diretto con la popolazione, facendo colloqui individuali o riunendola in gruppi e fornendo quindi il primo sostegno e le prime informazioni.Anche su questo territorio montano, a S. Panfilo d'Ocre, ho trovato un gruppo di Psicologi per i Popoli, con il quale mi sono coordinato: per il momento gestiranno loro la parte pedemontana, (anche se sono a disposizione per la parte acuta di carattere più specificamente psichiatrico), mentre in quota, sull'Altipiano delle Rocche, ho creato io stesso un primo nucleo di quattro giovani psicologi, raccolti tra i ragazzi del luogo,ai quali ho fornito la prima formazione di base, che mi affiancano nella gestione locale dell'emerganza, visitando con me ogni giorno tutti i campi in quota e fornendo supporto psicologico, fatto soprattutto di ascolto e sostegno, sia individuale che in gruppo.Marco LongoDirettore di
Venerdì 17 alle ore 22 (ItalianTime) Talete Flanagan terrà la prima lezione-conversazione sul tema "Oltre la terza dimensione" presso il campus di "Second Physics" (SLURL= http// Island East/124/55/23/ ). Presiederà Marjorie Fargis.
Chi non è ancora iscritto può passarmi una nota con richiesta di partecipazione . Democrito Sands
The ReLIVE team is hosting a one-day physical world workshop at The Open University in Milton Keynes (UK) on the 5th of June from 09:30-16:30. We have a programme of small group activity and creative thinking exercises to help generate ideas for tools to support teaching and learning in Second Life. We hope to create specifications for at least 6 key items, which we will produce post-workshop and provide inworld to all participants. To apply for a place please complete the form at
Al VWBPE c'era un tour tra mondi virtuali con presenza contemporaene ain Secondlifev e word of warcraft dove esistono studi pe rl'utilizzo in education anche di questo mondo. Io ero in SL ma non sono entrata in WoW;(non lo avveo neanche scaricato) altri presenti lì in Sl invece ci sono entrati.
I'd like to formally invite you all to our SLOODLE 0.4 release party tomorrow Wednesday April 8th on SLOODLE Island in Second Life.
We are thrilled to announce our latest release including a Quicktime presenter, a postcard blogging tool and refinements throughout which make this the most stable and thoroughly documented version yet.
We are hosting demonstration sessions this Wednesday to explain the new features. Immediately afterward we will have an "install party" where experts will show how the tools function and how you can put them to work immediately.
These meetings are:
o) Wednesday April 8, during the afternoon and evening Second Life time - 2-3:30pm SLT (10-11:30pm GMT) - 8-9:30pm SLT (4-5:30am GMT)
o) Located near the SLOODLE Island Sandbox in the SLOODLE Showcase Hall! You can teleport directly there by going to the following SLURL:
To prepare for the interactive workshop portion of the event, you are welcome to register for the 0.4 launch demo course: (Click on "Create new account" on the bottom right of the login screen)
Key features for 0.4:
- Presenter: Uses the Quicktime channel to send images, video and web-pages to your audience. You build shows on the Web and control them in SL. Eliminates fees for uploading image textures and also allows for creative collaborations on the Web before the show begins. (new for 0.4)
- Postcard blogger: Students mail SL postcards to the LMS, which automatically converts the photos and text into blog posts. Great for scavenger hunt assignments. (new for 0.4)
- WebIntercom: Synchronizes live chat in-world with the LMS chatroom and stores chat transcripts on the Web. Students may participate from the web with certified Section 508-compliant controls. Tested on iPhones!
- Toolbar: Heads-up-display sends blog posts to the LMS, lets students animate their avatar and lists nearby authenticated classmates
- Quiz Chair: Turns multi-choice quizzes into a fun physical simulation
- Pile-on Quiz: A multi-user quiz game show for groups of students
- Prim Drop: Accepts prim objects and logs transactions in the LMS
- MetaGloss: Query the course glossary from in-world. Good for illustrating lectures with stored text descriptions
- Choice: Give a survey and show results in 3D charts
- Vending Machine: Place your handouts and objects in the tool and then distribute the objects remotely from the Web or students may collect objects with their avatar.
- Administrative tools: Allow direct avatar-to-LMS account authentication. You will know who your students are and only they will have access to your tools. Enables graded activities and cuts down on confusion with avatar names and griefing.
All of these tools are documented here:
What is SLOODLE?
SLOODLE is an Open Source project which integrates the multi-user virtual environment of Second Life® with the Moodle ® learning-management system.
SLOODLE provides a range of tools for supporting learning and teaching to the immersive virtual world; tools which are integrated with a tried and tested leading web-based learning management system.
The SLOODLE project online home is at, where you'll find news and discussion forums, the blog, and many more resources.
--The Sloodle team: Peter Bloomfield, Edmund Edgar, Jeremy Kemp, Daniel Livingstone, Paul G. Preibisch, Gia Rossini, Chris Surridge
SLOODLE is funded and supported by Eduserv and hosted by SJSU School of Library & Information Science. All code is available for free and is licensed under GNU GPL.
If you can't come to the event, I'd like to also invite you to the weekly SLOODLE 101 Classes which are held every Tuesday at 1:30PST. Each week, avatars meet us in world, where Fire Centaur talks about SLOODLE / MOODLE / LMS, and the basics of installtion / operation of our tools.
We hope to see you at the party or in our SLOODLE 101 Classes!
A few years ago when enterprises, governments, and educational institutions established their presence in Second Life, there was one piece of advice that we received consistently across the board, “The promise of virtual worlds is tremendous and the Second Life environment is great for some kinds of work. But, if you only had a behind the firewall solution, we could really incorporate virtual worlds into the core of our business.”
Although Second Life is a safe place to work, many large enterprises and government institutions require complete control over their IT systems due to privacy and confidentiality concerns. We understand.
Last October, Mark Kingdon, CEO of Linden Lab/Second Life (affectionately known as “M”), briefly hinted that we were working on this at the Virtual Worlds London Conference.
At that time, we were just beginning to build an Enterprise team and formulate our plan. Since then, we’ve been hard at work to make a stand-alone, behind the firewall version of Second Life a reality.
Today, we’re pleased to share that the stand-alone version of Second Life solution is currently in the alpha phase. We have nine alpha installations in the field at organizations such as IBM, Naval Undersea Warfare Center (NUWC), New Media Consortium (NMC), Intel, and Northrop Grumman. And, we’re planning to go into a limited closed beta phase this summer with general availability later this year.
Yes, this is a server solution that is completely disconnected from the main Second Life environment with all of the rich functionality in the box.
Ok, you probably have a million questions that I’m not able to answer at this time—like, “What exactly is it? What’s the price? What’s included? And, on and on.”
Patience, my friends! At this point, I just wanted to share that we’ve made tremendous progress and that I promise to fill you in on all of the details this summer.
In the meantime, if you, or a client, are interested in becoming a beta customer, then please contact us through and choose the “I’m interested in running Second Life behind my firewall” option in the pull down menu and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
Stiamo cercando insegnanti, formatori, studenti, semplici interessati, ricercatori, esperti o meno di moodle, scrittori di wiki, che desiderino creare inizialmente un gruppo italiano di studio e che in futuro potesse interfacciarsi con quello inglese per sperimentare e studiare l'utilizzo di SLOODLE. [In SL gruppo sloodler] Ultimamente c'è stata una release della versione 0.4 molto interessante come si può vedere dai video.
Chi fosse interessato scriva a indicando i propri interessi, disponibilità, esperienze e competenze.
SLOODLE is an open-source mashup of Second Life and the Moodle learning management system. Visit to learn more. You can also join the SLOODLE group on YouTube: Sloodle videos are produced by a number of different members of the Sloodle user and developer community. *************************************************************************************
Educators working with students in e-learning classrooms have a new tool that makes teaching easier and more effective in Second Life. The SLOODLE version 0.4 suite of teaching tools is being released today and promises to deliver a more defined and orderly learning experience in a sometimes chaotic virtual world environment. Version 0.4 integrates Second Life 3D classrooms with Moodle, the world’s most popular open source e-learning system with over 30 million users ( This latest release allows teachers and students to prepare materials in an easy-to-use, web-based environment and then log into Second Life to put on lectures and student presentations using their avatars. The new tools also let students send images from inside Second Life directly to their classroom blog. Students are finding this very useful during scavenger hunt exercises where teachers send them to find interesting content and bring it back to report to their classmates. Tools that cross the web/3D divide are becoming more popular as institutions want to focus on the learning content rather than the technical overhead involved in orienting students into 3D settings and avatars. As an open-source platform SLOODLE is both freely available and easily enhanced and adapted to suit the needs of diverse student populations. And web hosts are lining up to support the platform. A number of third-party web hosts now offer Moodle hosting with SLOODLE installed either on request or as standard, making easier than ever to get started with SLOODLE. SLOODLE is funded and supported by Eduserv - and is completely free for use under the GNU GPL license. The project was founded by Jeremy Kemp of San José State University, California, and Dr. Daniel Livingstone of the University of the West of Scotland, UK. Livingstone presents SLOODLE 0.4 at this year’s UK MoodleMoot - the Moodle platform’s annual conference - on April 8th, 2009. Livingstone said, “It’s been exciting working at the forefront of the interface between established, proven web-based technologies and new and innovative 3D approaches to eLearning. We’ve made fantastic progress in the last few months, and this new release of SLOODLE has some major improvements that will help make life a lot easier for many educators and tutors using Second Life. The feedback we’ve had to date from tutors using SLOODLE has been great, and this new release represents a significant step forward.” Kemp will host a virtual launch party in Second Life itself, followed by a live demonstration session during which participants will have an opportunity to set up and experiment with their own 3D SLOODLE classrooms. The events start at 2pm US Pacific Time (10pm in the UK) and repeated at 8pm US Pacific Time. The event will be held here: At Ohio State University, Dr. Sharon Collingwood (avatar: Ellie Brewster) has been using SLOODLE to support her online Women’s Studies classes held in Second Life. Collingwood said, “SLOODLE fits seamlessly with my own in-house Learning Management System. I was worried that my students would find all this technology confusing, but it’s really simplifying things. There’s the in-house LMS, which I am required to use, for real names, readings, assessment, then there’s SLOODLE, which is for avatar names, group work and blogs.” Chris Surridge teaches English language to Korean students at the prestigious Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, KAIST. He has been using Second Life for the past few years to host virtual cultural exchanges between Korea, Dubai and Japan. Surridge said, “SLOODLE improves every tool that it connects. Second Life gets some game, Moodle gets some life, and students get a lot more choices about how, where, and when they express themselves. The new generation of SLOODLE tools, with the Presenter and other developments will open even more possibilities. I can’t imagine using Second Life without SLOODLE now.” Eduserv Foundation in the UK has invested £150,000 over two years, and the tools have been successfully trialed in online and campus-based classes around the world across a wide range of subject disciplines. The SLOODLE tools include: - Presenter: Uses the Quicktime channel to send images, video and web-pages to your audience. You build shows on the Web and control them in SL.Eliminates fees for uploading image textures and also allows for creative collaborations on the Web before the show begins. (new for 0.4) - Postcard blogger: Students mail SL postcards to the LMS, which automatically converts the photos and text into blog posts. Great for scavenger hunt assignments. (new for 0.4) - WebIntercom: Synchronizes live chat in-world with the LMS chat room and stores chat transcripts on the Web. Students may participate from the web with certified accessible controls. Tested on iPhones! - Toolbar: Heads-up-display sends blog posts to the LMS, lets students animate their avatar and lists nearby authenticated classmates - Quiz Chair: Turns multi-choice quizzes into a fun physical simulation - Pile-on Quiz: A multi-user quiz game show for groups of students- Prim Drop: Accepts prim objects and logs transactions in the LMS - MetaGloss: Query the course glossary from in world. Good for illustrating lectures with stored text descriptions - Choice: Give a survey and show results in 3D charts - Vending Machine: Place your handouts and objects in the tool and then distribute the objects remotely from the Web or students may collect objects with their avatar. - Administrative tools: Allow direct avatar-to-LMS account authentication. You will know who your students are and only they will have access to your tools. Enables graded activities and cuts down on confusion with avatar names and identity management. Read documentation on these tools: Contacts Jeremy Kemp, San José State University, School of Library & Information Scienceavatar: “Jeremy Kabumpo” Daniel Livingstone, School of Computing, University of the West of Scotlandavatar “Buddy Sprocket” Tags: 0.4
48580 Italy 0039 : earthquake in Abruzzo L'Aquila TY!
Gli operatori di telefonia mobile TIM, Vodafone, Wind e 3 Italia, d'intesa con il Dipartimento della Protezione Civile, hanno attivato la numerazione solidale 48580 per raccogliere fondi a favore della popolazione dell'Abruzzo gravemente colpita dal terremoto. Ogni SMS inviato contribuira' con 1 euro, che sara' interamente devoluto al Dipartimento della Protezione Civile per il soccorso e l'assistenza.